Improving wellness in organizations with a bottom-up approach
Changes that are forced are always going to create friction. Taking a bottom-up approach to wellness is the key to unlocking team synergy.
We believe wellness can't be forced. Each team needs to do what works for them and improve at their own pace with the tools most adapted to them.
- Teammates, not employees. Managers are not the boss of the team, they are the leader. They need to treat teammates fairly and help them realize their potential.
- Wellness is built on confidence. And confidence requires communication to dissipate any doubts.
- Communication will defuse conflicts. But it needs to work both ways. The manager needs to listen to their teammates and have empathy to truly listen to them. No bias is permitted.
- No micromanagement. It creates a stress environment for teammates which is the opposite of wellness. Team empowerment is the goal we must strive on.
- We don't like to talk about performance, productivity, or optimization. Teammates are not resources, they are human beings.
- Tools don't replace good practices. TeamMood will only give you the insights you need to better understand your team, but it's up to you to act correctly.
How TeamMood started?

TeamMood was imagined and initially created by Nicolas Deverge. As an Agile Coach, Nicolas helped a lot of companies on the Agile path. He realized that there are a lot of unhappy people in the workplace. He was (and still is) convinced that managers are the key to a better workplace.
Nicolas bootstrapped TeamMood in 2017 and is profitable since. He wanted the freedom to run his business independently and make time to spend with his family.
He'd surrounding himself with freelance experts on the specific areas he needs help with, to continue with the organic growth of the company.
Freedom and work-life balance leads to wellness

We believe TeamMood can enable managers to change their minds, become real team leaders and give more freedom to their teammates.
Working remotely is becoming the norm in many sectors and more people are realizing the need for work-life balance.
More freedom and a better work-life balance inevitably leads to wellness. But choices need to be made.
At TeamMood, we fix our own objectives and deadlines to be reasonable. This resulted in learning how to say “no” and prioritizing constantly.
We always wonder what is most important for our clients and for us, and this led to very positive consequences.
Always listening and learning

When we started TeamMood, we had no idea where it would lead us. So we implemented the Lean methodology to learn from our potential users.
We don’t have the answers. Our users do!
This attitude also impacts our relationships with our clients. We don’t want to act serious or complicate things, just to look professional. We act naturally, we are all humans after all!
Our clients usually appreciate this personal touch. And those who don’t, we don’t really want to work with them.
Giving back to the community

As the pandemic made us realize, we need to be more flexible about our approach to office space.
Co-working is much more adapted to us, in terms of exchanges and meetings with other companies or individuals. It makes sense economically, socially, and environmentally.
Likewise, we strive to lower our carbon footprint by favoring public transportation to go to work.
People are willing to move away from the materialistic world, back to the essentials, for the good of their community.
Thank you
We want to thank our partners, contributors, and especially all freelancers who helped (and are still helping) us in this adventure: Claire-Emilie, Jacques, Julie, Mohammed, Valérie, Katia, Magali, Jérôme, Quentin, Renaud, Julien, Maïwenn, Morgane, Célia, André, and Nicolas. TeamMood wouldn’t be the same without you 😉 !